The past couple days I've been a pretty miserable person to be around. I don't really have a reason as to why I just wanted to lay around and hope that the sofa would consume me. I just didn't feel any motivation or inspiration to do anything. There are plenty of things that needed to be done. Editing, cleaning, laundry, errands.....the list can go on forever. But I just sat there and wasted each passing beautiful day. I was in a funk and I didn't know how to get out.
My mood partly could have been brought on by our air conditioner refusing not to go on any longer. I jinxed it I'm sure. I woke up Thursday morning and took Tessa for a walk. I came back and the house was so cold and there was a slight chill in the air outside. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was just beautiful. I mentioned to the hubby that maybe we should turn the air off and open the windows. He replied with a "You must be crazy" look. So I decided against it and went about my day. Well when I left the house to do groceries around 7pm (yes I do groceries late in the evening don't hate) I came back 45 minutes later and I was greeted with a gust of heat when I opened the front door. It was seriously like a sauna! Thankfully, the weather has been beautiful ever since and it's been bearable to live in our house with no AC and just the breeze coming through the windows. I've actually come to like it a little. Call me crazy!
Well yesterday I was still in my I hate the world mood and my mom called to invite me over to make pumpkin cookies and haunted houses with her and my neice. I of course accepted because the idea of sugary sweet goodies and my adorable neice beats sitting around an empty house by myself. I walked through my mom's door and was greeted by my neice screaming my name. She was so excited to see me, really who isn't? =) I instantly started to feel that annoying debbie downer that's been living inside me, leave. Watching her and playing with her brings a warmness over me. She does everything with passion and all her heart. She runs, laughs, sings, and plays with no worry in the world. And she's not afraid of anything. She dives head first into anything that comes her way and I admire her for it. I know she's going to grow up to be an amazing young woman and I'm honored to be able to witness it.
Now if you're read this far I'm shocked. For those who have, thanks and I'm sorry for the babbling. Now you can enjoy my cuter than ever neice.
I can already see how beautiful she's going to be. |
I decided to step back and document my mom and her granddaughter making cookies. |
Madison and her granddaddy have special relationship. They're always so silly together |
She sticks her tongue out while she's concentrating just like her daddy |
My parents are amazing grandparents. I can't wait until we can bless them with more grandchildren for them to love unconditionally and spoil like crazy. |
Your niece is absolutely beautiful! I truly love your photography. I browsed through your site and was incredibly impressed. I believe in an artist whose passion is exemplified through their work. You implement that facet in all of your photos. I hope to one day have you capture those moments with my family and I. All the BEST for continued success!